Thursday, 23 July 2009
Random Ramble
Just a quick post/ramble before I go to bed.
I am in desperate need of a new perfume, I'm using Jean Paul Gaultier Madame at the moment, I managed to see past that incessent advert with Agyness Deyn and decided it really is a lovely scent.
I'm getting a bit bored of it now though, and I'm getting itchy feet!
I think I might go back to Nina by Nina Ricci as I love the scent once it has settled on your skin, so sweet and summery! My bottle is nearly empty though, so I may have to go and buy another one. I think this is easily in my top 5 scents of all time.
Another quick note, I am a shameless trend follower, I have been sucked right back into Lush by the hype building on Youtube about it. A lot of the American Guru's seem to have fallen in love with it. I had pretty much dismissed Lush for a number of years after being a bit of a fanatic but the other day I went into my local Lush with my sister and we both bought a fresh face mask and I bought a the "Honey I Washed the Kids" soap. I've used the soap in the past but I forgot how good it smelt and how it makes your skin feel soft and sweet smelling! By pure accident I also bought the "Brazen Honey" face mask. Despite the lurid yellow green colour of the mask it made my skin feel really refreshed and clean, I would definatly reccomend!
One last thought before I go, Is it too fanatical to be most excited about going to Sephora on my upcoming trip to France???
The Beauty Spark xxx
Monday, 20 July 2009
Current Hair Routine
I've been using this particular hair routine for about a month now and I thought I would share it with you as it has been working really well for me :)
My hair is naturally very curly (I would post a picture but I haven't worn it curly for about 5 years!) and this routine always leaves me with silky smooth straight hair.
For the past six weeks I have been using L'Oreal Elive Re-nutrition Shampoo & Conditioner. I bought it on a whim when I decided I needed a change of shampoo and I have been very impressed with it. It's left my hair feeling smooth and nourished and I've really noticed an improvement in the condition of my hair as a whole.
I like this product a lot as It works well and is good value for money. (I think I bought it for about £3.50 for a large bottle?) from Boots.
The S&C I'm talking about is Herbal Essences Seductively Straight. This product ticks most of my boxes when it comes to finding a good S&C. I love the pink packaging and the smell is so nice! Its scent is lovely too, the silk and pear extract is sweet but fresh and leaves your hair good enough to eat!

I then towel dry my hair and comb through my hair with a wide tooth comb, I use a Toni & Guy one, but you can use whichever one you want!
LEAVE IN CONDITIONERI'm currently using Aussie Miracle Hair Insurance and It works really well for my hair, I like to use a leave in conditioner and it gives my hair extra protection from the heat that hits it daily. I love the smell of this product, it smells fruity and fresh and contains Australian Jojoba Oil.
I own a Vidal Sasson hairdryer that I got as a present, It was a limited edition with an orange and white floral design on the back of it. It works well and has heat, speed and a cold shot setting. I have a lot of hair and I can dry it all in about 10 minutes which I think it pretty good.
It also came with a travel wrap for all your brushs and clips which is useful!

Once I have blow dried my hair I spray some Toni & Guy Iron It Heat Defence Spray into the end of my hair and then just spritz a tiny bit through the rest of my hair to avoid it getting too built up with products.
I love the smell of this as it feels like i'm in a hairdressing salon everytime I use it! It is light aswell and doesn't feel too heavy on my hair, I used the GHD Iron Oil for a while and it made my hair feel really greasy and I didn't particularly like the smell, so I much prefer this one!
I use GHD straighteners, they are the new model which have the more rounded edges for curling and they are simply the only choice for me! I have used GHD's ever since I began to straighten my hair during my first year of A Levels.
I tend to section off my hair and use large hair clips to hold it out of the way.
To finish off my hair I first spray my palm with Toni & Guy Shine Spray as it smells fresh and clean and leaves my hair soft and shiny.
If my hair is feeling particularly fly away i'll spray some Hairspray through it, but usually the shine spray is enough for me! If I do use Hairspray I either like to use Toni&Guy Firm Hold Hairspray (I know this is a turning into a Toni&Guy festival!) or L'Oreal Elnett Hairspray.
Thanks for reading!
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Urban Decay Pocket Rocket Review
As its my first blog I thought I would just quickly introduce myself,
I'm Laura, or The Beauty Spark, I am a self confessed beauty fiend!
I'm 21 years old and I live in the UK.
Now for the review!

I first heard about this product a few months ago but I didn't get around to buying it until last week when I went shopping with my sister and she wanted to pick up a few things from the Urban Decay counter at our local department store.
I will be honest, when I first saw the packaging I thought it looked quite gimmicky, It reminded me a lot of those stripping pens you might buy in a tourist shop in Magaluf. It just didn't seem like the type of product I would usually go for, and to be quite frank came across as a little tacky.
My initial impression was completly unfair about this product!
As soon as I unscrewed the top to take a closer look at the lipgloss I was hit with the most wonderful smelling lipgloss I have ever, EVER smelt. It smells EXACTLY like treacle tart!!! I literally could not stop smelling it when I was waiting for my sister to get what she wanted so I just had to buy it.
The gloss comes in eight different shades, all named after the different men who strip in your lipgloss top!
- David (pictured above as it was one I finally bought)
- Doug
- Eric
- James
- Jesse
- Julio
- Kirk
- Timothy
My two favourite colours out of the eight has to be David and Timothy. David is a fun shade of mauve which could look quite loud in the tube, but when its on is a lovely warm colour perfect for a night out!
Timothy struck my immediately because at the moment I appear to be OBSESSED with coral lips, I just think it is my perfect summer antidote for all this rain we seem to be having. I have bought coral nail polish, coral clothing, coral lipstick, the list goes on! I think I have coralitus...
But back to Timothy, this shade is a lovely vivid colour and would easily brighten up a neutral look.

The overall range of colours is good, from a crisp white with a shimmery white pearl (Julio) to Kirk (a sheer nude) to the bright siren red lip of Eric.
I like the brush applicator on this product as I personally think it goes on better with a brush rather than a sponge tip.
The lipgloss is quite sticky so if you don't like your lipgloss to be ultra sticky, I wouldn't recommend this. I quite like it on this particular product as it almost feels like I've bitten into a big piece of tasty treacle tart!
I would give this product a 7 out of 10 as I think it has a few things that let it down. I think it is quite gimmicky product (even though I said it earlier, I'm saying it again!) and I'm not sure how much it would appeal to different people. I do concede though that the product totally fits in with Urban Decays fun-loving image. Also the sticky nature of the gloss might put some people off.
I certainly think the smell and the colours give it major plus points! I do think some of the colours are similar to MAC's dazzleglass collection though.
I wouldn't buy the whole range of these lipglosses and I think one is enough for me just for the smell alone! If you are fan of sweet smelling lipglosses I would go and get this, I can almost smell the pastry!
The cost of the gloss is £10.50 in the UK, a bit much for an impulse buy?
You can get these from pretty much any urban decay counter at Debenhams, House of Fraser and the larger boots stores in the UK. for US buyers.

Thanks for reading :)