Thursday 6 September 2012

August Empties.

Without sounding too beauty bonkers, there is nothing quite like the satisfaction you get after hoarding empty products and throwing them away after writing about them...anyway. 

I've managed to finish up a respectable amount of products through July/August, here are my thoughts. 

Origins Vitazing.

Without going on too much about this little gem, I use it everyday without fail and haven't touch foundation for months because of it. Not surprisingly I already had a back up waiting in the wings when this finally bit the dust. 

The Body Shop Fuzzy Peach Bath & Shower Gel. 

This was a lovely product and smelt divine, but I'm a fickle creature and have far too many shower gels to explore, so I'm not sure i'll be picking up another one. It was good whilst it lasted though. 

Caudalie Beauty Elixir. 

After raving about this facial mist, I'm really not sure how much it was doing to my skin now I haven't used it for a while. It's a refreshing menthol hit when you spray it on your face, but whether it actually does any long term good? I'm undecided. 

MUFE Smoky Lash. 

I really do love this mascara and I was sad to see it finally dry up. But I think i'll wait until I've ploughed through the rest of my never ending supply before I pick it up again. Maybe it's a good thing it's such a pain to get hold of in the UK! 

Label M Dry Shampoo. 

This little travel size has come in handy this summer, but I far prefer the coloured version from Label M. I'll be sticking with that and avoiding grey hair in the future. 

Boots Gorgeous Feet Foot Spray. 

A random addition but I've been on my feet constantly recently and this is a nice little treat. I might look into picking it up again! 

VO5 Ultimate Hold Hair Spray 

Hmm, It does the job but I think I prefer other brands. I didn't particularly like it but was determined to use it up. Not offensive but not my favourite. 

What have you been using up this month? I for one feel cleansed! 

Laura xx


  1. I love Origins Vitazing too. I'll be so sad when it runs out! I've also ran out of the Caudalie Beauty Elixir and can't wait to rebuy it cos while I agree it doesn't really DO anything to my skin I just looove how refreshing it is!

    1. Totally agree about the Caudalie, it's basically a nice treat :)

  2. Ahhh it's so satisfying finishing products!
    I just started using VitaZing and I really loved it on holiday :) xx

    1. It's been the one product I can honestly say is a summer staple! xx

  3. I love writing empties posts as it feels so satisfying that I haven't wasted my money and actually finished something. I really want to try Vitazing!


  4. love this kind of posts, the origins vitazing souds so amazing x

  5. I can imagine the smell of the Fuzzy Peach Bath & Shower Gel, yum!


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