Friday 14 September 2012

New Brush Storage.

I posted a quick picture of my new brush holder on Instagram and it got a lot of interest, so I thought I'd just do a quick post about it. 

I've been using a couple of storage tins filled with rice for an absolute age and I felt it was just taking up too much room and after accidently knocking over the tins one too many times (clumsy) the rice had to go. 

I wasn't particularly looking for a brush holder when I was browsing the home section of TK Maxx (Which by the way might be the most dangerous place in the world if you're a home furnishing loser like me) and spotted this languishing at the back of a shelf. 
It really does fit the bill. It has separate compartments for my different brushes and if that isn't good enough, it spins for easy access! 

For little under a fiver, this really is my new favourite thing. 

Laura xx


  1. I bought one of these a few months ago in my local TKMaxx, so perfect for makeup brushes x

    1. It really is, so much better than having them in different holders x

  2. I love this, Barbara from thepersianbabe on YouTube has this too and if I ever find one in TK Maxx I'm going to grab it so fast!

  3. I absolutely luv it. U know where else it could be bought from?

    1. Really sorry Jenni but I really wouldn't know where else you could snap this up xx

    2. nevermind, hopefully I'll find something simular.
      If I do come across it, then it's a definetly buy!

  4. That looks perfect for brush storage! I am currently using tins full of rice and starting to want something else. I might look for something similar to this.



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