Sunday 1 September 2013

Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm.

I mean, I love a good Cleansing Balm. Love one. More specifically, my evening skincare routine wouldn't be complete without a good dose of Emma Hardie

However, you just can't keep a good beauty addict down. Word on the street is the Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm is a no nonsense, kinder on the purse alternative and I was always going to give it a whirl. 

Conclusions? It couldn't be more of a (to quote the excruciating phrase) 'does what it says on the tin' product. It's a balm...that cleanses. Clinique have kept it simple. No box, no super swanky packaging, no scent, no colour, no nasty ingredients. 

Do I like it? Of course, it gives good massage and melts into a great cleanser. Am I jumping around like a raving convert? Partially. It's a brilliant holy grail cleanser for those of you who find essential oils and bells and whistles too much in a daily cleansing balm. It gives a fresher cleanse than the Emma Hardie as it feels like a slightly lighter formula. I don't feel a second cleanse with a lighter cleanser is half as necessary with this.


I can miss the bells and whistles. It's taken the indulgent edge off my skincare routine and I miss the fragrant fancy when I'm using this product. I can't not review this product without mentioning it looks and feels like lard. I'm more than willing to forgive this for a quick simple cleanse though. I'll always reach for this if my skin is playing up (thankfully rare) as it's as gentle as it gets.

If you're after a great cleansing balm that suits sensitive skin and comes in at a comparatively pocket friendly £21 RRP, this is what you've been looking for. I will still use and love this, but if I'm looking for a more therapeutic evening treat, Emma will always win. 



  1. I was so intrigued by this offering that I bought it a few weeks ago. I've never tried the Emma Hardie, but I seriously think that this is good stuff!

    xo Lillian from

    1. If you're smitten with this there really is very little reason to splurge on the Emma Hardie. It's only because I've used it before and miss the smell that I'm being even a tiny bit fussy :)


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