Sunday 10 July 2011

Summer Hit List: Blush Products.

When it gets to summer, I tend to focus more on blush and less on eyeshadow/lipstick etc.

The blush products to reach for this summer are:

- Illamasqua Cream Pigment in Emerge
-MAC Style Blush
-MAC MSF Stereo Rose (No Longer Available: BUT check out MAC Rose Quartz MSF for a similar hue)
- Illamasqua Rude Cream Blush
- Sleek Flamingo Blush

(l-r Illamasqua Cream Pigment in Emerge, Illamasqua Rude Blush)

( l-r MAC Style Blush, MAC Stereo Rose MSF, Sleek Flamingo Blush)

As you may have noticed, peach and coral tend to be my weapon of choice during the summer months as they compliment a tan and feel fresher than something more plum or pink toned. Sleek's Flamingo Blusher has crept into my favourites though as a dab of this on the apples of the cheeks with Style run over the cheekbones is a lovely summer look.

What are your favourite blush products for summer?

Laura xx


  1. I want a MAC MSF so bad! it looks gorgeous! x

  2. Oo the MAC Style Blush looks lovely! xx

  3. OOh, I need to get my hands on that Pink Flamingo!! It's soo pretty!

  4. @prettyinthedesert its lovely but you need a very light hand to make it work!


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