Wednesday 26 August 2009

Post Holiday Ramble

I got back from my week long escape to the sun on Tuesday and I'm still trying to catch up with everything! After a day of sorting and complaining about the abysmal weather the UK has offered today a quick post holiday round up seems to be just the tonic!

I went away last week to a lovely area of Crete and stayed in a beautiful villa in the middle of nowhere (It was up a steep dirt track, we were convinced we were going the wrong way) which had the most amazing views of the white mountains in Crete.

On the way I picked up a few things in Duty Free at the Airport, some planned, some a result of my expected Duty Free frenzy.

I went to the MAC counter and picked up a few eyeshadows:

Ego & Strike A Pose from the Love That Look Collection.
Amber Lights

I bought mostly neutral shades as i'm trying to complete my neutral pallete but I couldn't resist strike a pose, its gorgeous!!

I also picked up Blacktrack fluidline as i've always used an eye pencil and smoked it out, I'm not a massive liquid eyeliner wearer as i'm too impatient! BUT so far I really like this, I used it with an angled eyeliner brush and I managed to do it quickly and easily with really pleasing results.

Finally I picked up two Victoria Secret body spritz's, I've heard good things about them but I haven't been able to get them until now. I could literally eat them!! I love spraying this on smelling like sweets and they're a really reasonable price too! (I've actually asked my sister to pick me up another one when she goes away this week!). I bought Pure Seduction & Love Spell. I wouldn't reccomend these if you don't like really fruity sweet smelling products though as they are really really sweet smelling.

Right Enough Haul Talk! I didn't buy anything beauty related on Holiday as there wasn't anywhere, so circumstance helped my weak resolve!

My saving grace in the make up department this holiday has to be Gold Deposit MSF by MAC, It really set off my skin and made me look more "done up" in a second when I was rushing to get out in the evening when i'd underestimated on time.
Maybelline Collosal also did me proud, no panda eye incidents for me!

Being back home does have some bonuses though, no greasy suncream, no giant hair. I went out today and purchased a hair mask to treat my locks to some much needed moisture.

I love holidays but I think despite my moaning the week after I get back, I secretly like my familiar home routines!

Lonnnng Blog Post, so i'm going to say goodbye!!

What are your HG holiday products?

TBS xxx


  1. I love Crete! Been there a few times. Gosh I need a holiday...xx

  2. It was a lovely holiday :) perfect weather! Thank you for subscribing I really appreciate it! x


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