Monday 8 March 2010

Absolutely "Fabulash"

I'm not a great Revlon fan, I don't linger by their stand if I pop into Boots or Superdrug, and I don't tend to be caputured by many of their products.

I walked by a Revlon factory shop last week when I went shopping, and as I needed some new make up sponges, everything was at a discounted price, and I'd been wanting to try a new mascara and fabulash was infront of me for a fiver, so I picked one up with no expectations.

It doesn't look too special, it's plain and pretty standard, but don't let that put you off!!

It comes with a spiral brush, and I don't tend to go for this type of wand, but as I couldn't see it in store, I didn't know!

Turns out I LOVE this mascara, It thickens and adds length to my lashes.

I'm not blessed with amazingly long lashes, so I'm over the moon with the results of this cheapy wonder!!!

It normally retails for £7.99 but I wouldn't have any problem paying this for it, as I think it beats some of my higher end products hands down!! 

Lots of Love, Laura xxx 


  1. I've never really heard anyone rave about this product before, i'll have to check it out! Your lashes look amazing! xo

  2. I love hearing about products that compete with high end products. Thanks for sharing!

  3. @Caitlin
    I was the same, I hadn't done any research on it and it was a complete gamble, but it paid off :)x

    I'm finding more and more that my most loved products are cheaper brands that perform amazingly, it's much more satisfying! xx

  4. This mascara looks lovely on you, nice and natural but with a bit of flare =)

  5. oh that looks great! i think i have that and i put it in the "dump" pile since i had no idea how it would perform... i sorta got it for free and the way that mascaras are mostly hit and miss put me off from trying it just it case it sucked :P

    maybe i should resurrect it now!

  6. @Marce It's my current favourite mascara for day time :)

    @Porcelaine Don't be fooled by its plain exterior!


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