Sunday 13 November 2011

The Fail-safe.

In an ideal world, I'd create some sort of inventive and interesting look to wear everyday. Yet as we all know too well, life just gets in the way! Recently, I've fell into a very lazy, yet pleasant routine. 

It's just one paint pot, and one eyeshadow. You can't get any easier, and this my friends is why it's a fail-safe...

The two products in question are MAC's Paint Pot in Bare Study & MAC Jest Eyeshadow. 

Both greatly loved, and never let you down. 

It really is a case of slapping Bare Study over the lid, then pressing Jest over the top. It pretty much doesn't even warrant an explanation, you could probably do it in the dark. 

What's your fail-safe eye combination, I'd love to know! 

Laura xx


  1. Cute post, your hair looks lovely in this also :)

  2. @Lily, Thank you, it's really simple to do, just curl the ends with a straightener! x


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