Tuesday 13 December 2011

Christmas Treat Jar.

Shh...this is technically a secret. BUT, I've decided spilling the beans is worth the risk as this Christmas gift idea is just too good not to share! 

This year, I've been trying to think of cute, yet inexpensive gifts. This Christmas Treat/Pamper Jar has hit the jackpot! 

The eagle eyed amongst you may recognise some Glossybox re-use here. I've taken the stuffing and ribbon to jazz up this simple jar, and then filled with lots of beauty goodies. I've stuffed the jar with a mixture of mini samples, bath goodies and bits and bobs. It's basically a 'Girls Night In' in a jar.

I sourced some 700ml preserve jars from eBay, I've searched high and low for the exact ones but can't find them, there are plenty of similar listings though! I paid £5.00 for 5 Jars with £5 delivery. Not bad for £2 jar! 

You don't just have to go down the pamper route with your jars, maybe fill them with festive sweets, eats and treats? You can really go to town with the contents. The cherry on top is that after they've used the contents, a lovely glass jar can be filled with whatever they wish.

Now fingers crossed the secret doesn't reach the recipient....

Do you like to get creative at Christmas? 

Laura xx


  1. Ohh they're cute! I have been looking for some cheap jars and these are perfect!

  2. OH this is sooooo cute!!! some really nice cheap jars to decorate your house and i've been looking for those! these seem perfect!!! :) xx


  3. What a great idea! I'm sure the recipient will love it and appreciate your creativity!
    Lauren xx

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