Tuesday 19 April 2011

Random Ramble...


I've been a little slack on the blog front for the past few weeks as I've been in the midst of a massive report, but now it's done and dusted and I can get back to lavishing attention on The Beauty Spark!

In Other News...how nice is the weather right now, I've been cracking out the gladiators big style but in the process I've been left with a selection of lovely blisters on my feet and toes...rubbish.

Another lovely present from the sun is the arrival of my summer freckle face...

You can't see it very clearly on the photograph but my forehead has gone into freckle overdrive!!

Finally, i'm back in love with MUFE Smoky Lash, it really is my favourite...I mean look at those lashes.

Hope you're all having a wonderful week,

Laura xxx


  1. look at those lashes! i mean ur natural lashes should be super long to get that result!
    mine is like half your length!

  2. @Vanilla, they're actually not that long but this mascara does wonders,just make sure you curl your lashes before, it makes the world of difference!


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