Monday 27 February 2012

Art Deco Glitter Nails.

I never go to town on my nails to this extent, but I'm loving the results. I think the combination of taupe, pink and glitter with the angular design scream Art Deco...just me? 

I'd like to say I didn't muster this out of thin air, I'm pretty sure I saw it on pinterest, but cannot find the original...but props to the creator! 

How To: 

1. Paint a base coat of the first polish, I used Nails Inc Jermyn Street, but choose whichever colour you like...
2. Let the base colour dry. 
3. Using small strips of sellotape, map out your triangle, you can choose to go as big or as small as you like, I quite like it just halfway up the nail. 
4. Paint your glitter polish (Models Own Pink Fizz) in the exposed triangle area and let it partially dry, the quickly whip the sellotape off to reveal (hopefully!) a neat glitter triangle. 
5. Use a liquid eyeliner...Illamasqua precision ink for me, line the edges of the triangle, this is great for correcting a slightly wonky lines if you have any. 
6. LET IT DRY PROPERLY, I went in with the top coat far too quickly on the first nail I did and I had to do an emergency touch up with a cotton bud. 
7. Just slick some good topcoat over the top, I went with Seche Vite...It's the king of topcoats. 

It is fiddly, It was a bit of a pain, and I did get nail polish on my carpet. But I love the results and I rocked my nails with pride when I went out this weekend. 

Will you be giving this a go

Laura xx


  1. I'm going to give this a try with different colours. I was always worried that the sellotape would pull off bits of nail varnish as it used to with paint in art class. It looks really nice though, I can't wait to give it a go.

    1. I really want to give it a go with pink & orange, I think it'll look lovely in summer. I was surprised too but it doesn't at all, just make sure you leave the nail varnish to dry :) x

  2. Wow this is so pretty! I posted a similar thing a few weeks back if you want to have a look :) I've been after that models own shade for ages but it's always sold out! x

    1. Hi Lily,

      I'll definitely have a look :), you should check river island, it's where I got mine from xx

  3. Looks pretty, I absolutely love that Nails Inc. colour. Thank you for the tutorial. I'll definitely have to try this out soon. x

  4. Gorgeous nails. I love them! x


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