Sunday 12 February 2012

Hot Shots 008.

Weasel Coffee - Mini Egg Yoghurt - Pre Pesto Chicken - Pinterest Addiction - Cat - Huge Champagne - Pretty Flowers. 

I've really failed at taking many 'life photographs' recently, but I've scraped together a few to show you what I've been up to. 

I've developed a love for all things Coffee recently, but alas, I've drawn the line at Weasel Coffee, just urgh. In other food news, Mini Egg yoghurt's are unbelievably nice, nom. On a healthier note, I borrowed this recipe from Daisy and it is the most amazing quick chicken recipe ever. 

Pinterest is my new favourite thing, you can see what is tickling my fancy by following me here

Obligatory Cat Photo... 

In other life news, I was offered a new job on Friday and I will be starting on Tuesday! It's all happened quite quickly but I'm really excited to begin and can't wait. Monday will be spent rushing around like a mad thing making sure I'm ready. When I got the news, I was spoilt with a massive magnum of Champagne and some lovely flowers, very happy! 

What have you been up to this week? 

Laura xx 


  1. Mmmm I want some mini eggs yoghurt!! x

  2. My sister found weasel coffee in Cambodia last year and apparently it tastes really nice - you should try it! Congrats on the new job xx

  3. Your cat looks so cute ! Congrats on your new job ! xx


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