Sunday 25 October 2009

Winter Essentials

It's absolutly tipping it down outside today, the full force of winter weather is upon us, blahh.

Autumn & Winter are my favourite seasons, I love autumnal colours and cosy winter fashion!

On the other hand, the majority of Autumn and Winter weather is TERRIBLE. Even the white gold that is snow really does annoy me when it holds me up and then turns to grey sludge...yuck.

Everybody needs to alter their beauty routine around this time of year, and these are my absolute essentials to take me through to spring!


This has to be No.1 on my list. I think it's important to moisturise throughout the year, but I tend to switch it up to a richer moisturiser around this time of year. I've been using Soap & Glory Flirtigo Moisturiser over the summer, you apply the product by spraying it over you so it's quick and easy. I prefer to use a richer product in winter, choosing body butters :) I get drier skin in winter so they're perfect. I'm currently using Boots Almond & Pistachio Body Butter that I got as a present but I really like it.

I've also added a hand cream to my routine, I'm pretty lazy with this in the summer but my hands really suffer in the cold so I'm using another Boots product, Lemon, Rosemary & Walnut ,It smells good and it leaves my hands soft.


Your hair suffers just as much in winter as it does in the summer sun. We're all careful to protect our hair from holiday sun, but wind and central heating have a similar negative effect.
I treat myself to a hair mask once a week (Umberto Giannini Idulgent Beauty Moisture Mask) and leave it for as long as i'm showering, It leaves my hair feeling really nice.


Dry lips are not sexy! I'm prone to getting dry lips so I take extra care to keep them moisturised, I'm a carmex addict! I use Vaseline Rosy Lips too give me a kissable lip :) The Hello Kitty lipbalm is from H&M, not the most moisturising balm in the world, but it smells good enough to eat!


Autumn & Winter means darker colours :) I'm currently addicted to Barry M Nail Paint in Navy & Grey such a nice change from my usual pink/red pallette!

The Navy is my favourite favourite :)


A Hat!!

Such I lifesaver in the winter for my hair, I always carry one with me in the winter in case I get caught in the wind and rain.

I love my red beanie, I bought it from Topshop about 3 Years ago and It's still my favourite, apologies for the lack of modelling on the red hat front! My hair is all up in a scruff and I looked like a matchstick...

So these are my winter essentials! What are yours?

Laura xxx


  1. That Barry M nail varnish in grey looks awesome! Ive been looking for that kind of "wintery" shade.. thanks!


  2. The Navy is great. Not heard of the pitashio moisturiser but I already like it just from the name!
    Emma :)

  3. Those boots moisturisers look lovely. x


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