Monday 12 March 2012

Products I'm Loving Right Now.

Dermalogica Climate Control Lip Treatment - Max Factor Second Skin Foundation - MAC By Candlelight MSF - Collection 2000 Cream Puff in Powder Puff - Du Wop Lip Venom in Buttercup - BM Cosmetics Pigment in Dusty Road - Ardell Demi Wispies Lashes - Dermalogica Antioxidant Hydramist. 

This month has been mainly all about the make up. Despite being an ardent beauty blogger, the amount of make up I can be bothered to wear varies hugely from month to month. February was definitely about slapping it on... 

I've really gone to town with highlighting this month, I've been alternating between MAC By Candlelight MSF and BM Cosmetics Pigment in Dusty Road, depending on whether I'm bronzing up or not. Dusty Road is so finely milled and easy to work with and By Candlelight is foolproof. It's been going on the top of cheekbones, brow bones, bridges of noses and cupids bows. It's all about the glow. 

In my quest for glowing skin, I just wasn't getting on with any of my foundations. I felt they were all either too heavy or had a tendency to go patchy after a while. In the back of my mind Max Factor Second Skin Foundation was calling my name. I used to rave about it so decided to give it another whirl. 
Well, it's love once again. I haven't even contemplated anything else for at least a few weeks, It's long wearing and leaves my skin looks hydrated by natural. Winner. 

Dermalogica have come up trumps this month too, the Climate Control Lip Treatment has kicked even the smallest hint of dry skin into touch and I cannot even begin to tell you how quenched my skin feels after I spray it with the Antioxidant unnecessary step in my skincare, but I can see it making so much difference. 

As far as lip products go, I've been all about the Lana seen HERE, I won't go into detail as there is already an entire post dedicated to it. 

Korres Lip Butter in Plum has been the only other thing I've been grabbing if I need to freshen my look up during the day. If you use it with a light touch it's heaven in a jar. 

Finally, I've stopped being a lazy beauty blogger and have been reaching for lashes when I go out again. I have a giant box full of them and in the spirit of using what I have, I stumbled across my new favourite pair. The Ardell Demi Wispies. They've done a brilliant job of easing myself back into the lash brigade and walk the fine line between adding a bit of drama, and looking too much like I'm on Geordie Shore. 

What are you loving and loathing at the moment? 

Laura xx


  1. I love Maxfactor second skin foundation! One of the few brands with shades pale enough for me! That MSF is gorgeous :) x

  2. I love Ardell Demi Wispies, they're my second fave false lashes :-)

  3. Great favourites ! I really got back into fake lashes too ! xx

    1. They really do make all the difference on a night out x

  4. Really great and helpful post! I love Mac MSFs they're an absolutely amazing product - my skin glows when I use them. x

    1. Even if my skin is feeling dull they always perk it up! x


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