Tuesday 12 October 2010

Embarking On A New Mission...

It's that time again, I'm trying out a new skincare routine!

After my unfortunate experience with some of Bliss's products I've decided to go a little less expensive and go for something a bit kinder on my poor old skin.

Over the past few months my skin has been heading more to the combination side of the spectrum which took me by surprise as it's always edged towards dry in the past.

I've heard lots of good things about La Roche Posay and decided to take the plunge when I spotted Boots were running a 3 for 2 on all skincare, yay!

I picked up the Physiological Soothing Lotion, Toleriance Fluide and for the eagle eyed amongst you, I popped in a Vichy product - Normaderm Tri-Activ Anti-Imperfection Hydrating Care to see if it works on the pores I've noticed around my nose and the few little scars around my mouth and chin.

I'll keep you updated on how this all goes, hopefully being kind to my skin works!

Laura xxx


  1. Looking forward to hearing how you get on with this! I'm using the 3 step from Clinique at the mo, but am getting bored with it and haven't seen any amazing results as yet. :/

  2. I am also looking forward to hear how you get on with this as I am hoping to find a new skin routine :)


  3. I'll be keeping everyone updated don't you worry now! x

  4. I am using a mixture of these two brands in my routine - so far so good! x

  5. Hope it works out for you!


  6. Isn't it funny how our skin can change and suddenly our current skincare routine needs updating to suit our needs better. Looking forward to seeing how it goes :)

  7. Fingers crossed they work for you huni! cant wait to hear your thoughts on them!

    fab post ♥


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