Monday 18 February 2013

The Body Shop Chocomania.

Put your hand up if you're guilty of taking a sneaky taste of an amazing scented body lotion/lip balm/sugar scrub? I know I have... 

Now, you could accuse The Body Shop of being plain cruel when they released the Chocomania range. It is every chocoholics dream. 

I usually laugh in the face of obvious instructions, but in this case the 'do not eat' was a useful reminder. 
I've encountered many chocolate scented products in the past, but this particular range actually smells of proper chocolate pudding. It's divine. 

I won't lie to you, I want to eat it. 

The scrub is especially delicious, I've used all my willpower to not sneak a taste... 


*provided for consideration


  1. haha, it really does smell good enough to eat. x

    1. It's the perfect alternative to a proper chocolate fix!

  2. I am in LOVE with the lip butter and shower gel, I can't wait to try the body butter and the scrub as well!

    1. I've popped the lip butter in my bag and can't get enough :)


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