Tuesday 12 February 2013

Triangle Nail Art.

Now I'm not known for my nail art prowess, usually just waiting for the polish to dry is enough effort for my liking. But occasionally I do like to get a bit snazzy with the odd triangle or two. I'm a nail art trigonometry trail blazer... 

All you need is a base colour - I went with Essie Sew Psyched - a contrasting colour - Essie Sand Tropez lent itself well to this task, and If you want to get a bit fancy (who doesn't) throw in some glitter for good measure, Models Own Pink Fizz works well against the grey tones. To create the shape, grab a roll of Sellotape and some scissors. Finish with a good top coat, I use Seche Vite

Step 1: Slap on a coat or two (depending on how opaque your base colour is) and go about your business until they're completely dry. 

Step 2: This is the semi tricky bit. Take some Sellotape and map out the triangle you want. You can do whatever you want. I just opted for an even shape but you can do stripes, half of the nail, slightly off to the left or right. Whatever you want! 

Step 3: Paint your contrasting colour over the area not covered by the tape. Leave it to dry fully then whip the Sellotape off. You should be left with a fairly presentable triangle shape! 

Step 4: When you're confident your accent triangles have dried. Pop a good coat of topcoat over the top to seal it all in. Voila, le nail art trés facile!

You really can do any combination, any colour, any shape. The results far outweigh the effort and you'll probably get asked how you created it. It's up to you whether you want to let the secret slip or not! 

Here's another version I did a while ago.


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