Monday 5 July 2010

Keeping Up With Korres.

Unless you've been hiding under a beauty free rock your entire life, you'll know that without a decent sunscreen, no amount of lotions and potions will reverse the damage left by those pesky rays.

I must admit I'm not always diligent with my spf throughout the winter monthes, but since the good old UK appears to be having a run of good weather it's been ever present in my mind.

We all know sunscreen isn't sexy, and that smell with forever mind me of being attacked with the sticky white stuff by my mother at a young age.

I was perusing the ailses of TK Maxx...stay with me...and I decided to have a route around the beauty section, I always presumed it just consisted of CK one, ill fated celebrity perfume brands and a few exfoliation gloves. But I can say right now, how wrong I was!

I decided to embrace my inner bargain hunter and get down and dirty amongst, I will admit, about a hundred exfoliation gloves and bottles of CK one, to find these two little gems.

Korres Watermelon Sunscreen Face Cream & Sweet Orange Sunscreen Emulsion.

I got both of these for £3.00 each, bargain!
The only hitch, they go off in October, but heck, I've got all summer to use them up!

First impressions are good, they both smell delicious, without a hint of eau de sunscreen in either, and they don't leave that sticky residue that I detest, yummy.

I'll let you know how I get one, but I just had to share this with you!

Laura xxx


  1. I'm so jealous of your finds! Suncream is generally really unsexy.

  2. @Lucy, get to a tk maxx and have a rummage! xxx


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