Wednesday 9 February 2011

High Brow

We're talking eyebrows...

Who would have thought that two seemingly useless strips of hair above our eyes could be so scrutinised?!

Spring has sprung and big brows are back...

(Stella McCartney spring 2011)

I've always been a fan of fuller eyebrows as they provide a brilliant frame to the face, but don't let that confuse you, I like them to to be neat as well...

No Thank You! 

So...What to use?

I've been faithful to MAC Espresso for my eyebrows for a long time now, paired with an angled brush it works wonders. I have quite dark eyebrows anyway but they are a little patchy in some areas.

Naked Brow...(oo-er)


I just concentrate mainly on the arch to create a more even brow then use any residue on the brush to lightly go through the rest.

On Trend...

Although they haven't photographed as dark as they are in person, I used a tiny bit of Nuhru from MAC alongside Espresso and created a fuller brow by filling them in more liberally.

I also use a tiny bit of clear mascara to set them, and if that's not to hand just grab some Vaseline or even some eight hour cream to just smooth them down.

How do you like your brows and will you be buying into Springs 'big brow' trend or leaving it to the models?

Laura xx


  1. I can never quite understand brow trends, there's only so much you can do to change your eyebrows. Yours look really great though, I have big brows naturally too and suffer from the wee baldy patches! Haha

    Sarah x

  2. I just like my brows shaped and groomed - im into what suits me in terms of my brows, not the trends. Mine don't grow that huge anyway I did used to have pencil thin ones, eeew!


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